The Sound of Flowers

Chestnut Bud-Flower of Learning


The flower of Bach Chestnut tree invites you to progress in life while drawing started from your experiments.


Chestnut Bud is addressed to those who cannot benefit from their experiments, or from that of the others, incompetents of this fact of progressing in life. They always make the same mistakes, for example, to fall many and many times in love with an incompatible partner, or continuing to do work which is not appropriate to them. Instead of drawing from the lessons of problems passed, the type Chestnut Bud forgets them and thus does not have any base on which to base its future decisions. It can suffer from evils with repetition without never wondering why, and it thus does not treat the fundamental cause of it.

The positive potential of Chestnut Bud: Dr. written Bach: “This Fleur helps us to fully benefit from our daily experiments and to see our errors, like ourselves, with the eyes of the others.” The type Chestnut Bud positively examines its own errors with objectivity, learning the lesson from each experiment, thus acquiring knowledge and the wisdom which will enable him to progress in life. Of woke up spirit, it is also informed by observing the others.

Special precautions

Have a varied and balanced diet at the same time. Keep away from young children. For all the family. Keep away from fire and light.


Dilute six drops in a water glass and drink it at regular intervals. Repeat if necessary.

For a combined use, add two drops of each selected Flower (max. seven) in a bottle to a mixture of 30ml, fill it with mineral water and take four drops of the mixture at least four times per day.

If necessary, the Sound of Flowers tincture can be directly versed on the language or rubbed on the lips, behind the ears, or on the temples and wrists.

You can use the Sound of Flowers tincture as often as you wish it to you. If you are disturbed, it may be that only one amount is sufficient. If your state is persistent, you can use the Flowers for a long time as you need some.

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