Peaceful Pregnancy
Sound Healing For Pregnancy
Are you pregnant and looking for ways to relax, manage your fear, anxiety, pain and connect with your baby?
For thousands of years, sound has been used in cultures around the world as a tool for healing. Whether through mantras, drums or other instruments, sound can bring balance and wholeness to the body, providing a type of escape from the present moment.
During your pregnancy, you want to be relaxed - mentally, physically and energetically. You want to feel connected to your developing baby. You want to dissolve tensions and explore yourself during this sometimes-stressful adventure. That's where the good vibrations of Tibetan Sound bowls come in...
Tibetan Sound bowl therapy for expecting mommies is simply my most sacred and joyful re-balancing modality. There’s nothing I love more than guiding an expectant mother into a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation during this time of profound life transformation.
Here are some of the benefits of relaxing with sound:
* Assists with managing pain, especially in the lower back;
* Assists with managing anxiety;
* Assists with sleep issues such as insomnia;
* Releases all of the “happy” hormones – endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin;
* Lowers blood pressure;
* Calms the nervous system;
* Encourages early brain development in your unborn baby;
* Contributes to a healthy and happy baby later in life;
* Allows for quality ‘me’ time for you and your baby.
As your pregnancy develops and it is time to give birth, on one of the most important days of your life, imagine being cocooned in the Soothing Sounds and Vibrations of Tibetan Singing Bowls as you welcome your baby into the world.
Many people experience some level of fear or anxiety around giving birth, however given that you have a choice of many different options for a relaxing birth, it has never been easier to create a personal and private environment where you and your partner feel confident, relaxed & safe for this time in your life. If you’re looking for a safe, holistic way to be calmer before and during the birth of your child.
Women choose to use sound baths before and during the birth of their child because it has ample ways to help you to manage any fear, anxiety and stress you may be feeling in the lead up to the birth of your baby.
Sound itself has been used for many years as a way to assist in decreasing anxiety, calming the nervous system and elevating consciousness in meditation. When you combine this with the act of giving birth, the benefits are immense.
- to release pain … naturally
- to overcome anxiety and fear around giving birth
- to release those birthy hormones (oxytocin, endorphins etc) … naturally!
- to bond with their baby even before the birth!
- to ride the contractions, rather than drown in them!
- to increase energy levels even when feeling exhausted
- to release those happy hormones while transitioning into Motherhood!
- to create a “birthing cave” and sacred space no matter where the woman decides to give birth.
Bringing you into an alpha brain wave almost immediately, the sound of a crystal singing bowl helps you to achieve a relaxed, yet alert state. This is not only important for the mother-to-be, but also assists the other people in the room to stay relaxed and calm.
The feeling that a sound bath creates, has been likened to being in a safe haven, or in a cave. This gives you the opportunity to really let go so that your body can do the work that it innately knows how to do.
Symbolically, the singing bowls used in these sound baths are seen as feminine, while the wand is seen as masculine. When these are connected they create new life in the form of sound. Further to this, when a focused sound through ‘toning’ is created along with the sound emanating from the bowl, it allows your jaw to relax. When the jaw relaxes, it has the effect of also relaxing the cervix. This is of great benefit, as when your cervix is relaxed it helps to create a sense of ease within the intense process of childbirth.
Using sound during childbirth is a natural way to assist in the release of hormones such as oxytocin and endorphins that will help you to ride the waves of the contractions you will experience, rather than simply enduring them. By allowing the soothing sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls to gently reverberate through your body engaging your inner strength and innate birthing wisdom.